1. You can only use one word.
2. Pass this along to six of your favorite bloggers.
3. Alert them that you have given them this award.
4. Have fun!
The Survey:
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? Brown
3. Your mother? asleep
4. Your father? Andybrown
5. Your favorite food? Mexican
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? tea
8. Your dream/goal? hospitality
9. What room are you in? kitchen
10. Your hobby? scrapbooking
11. Your fear? Death
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? playing
14. Something that you aren't? awake
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. Wish List Item? camera
17. Where did you grow up? Houston
18. Last thing you did? farmed
19. What are you wearing? night clothes
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? Nocturnal
22. Friends? farmville
23. Your life? wonderful
24. Your mood? thankful
25. Missing someone? nope
26. Vehicle: clean
27. Something you're not wearing: shoes
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? 7th period
31. Last time you cried? dunno
32. Your best friend? Hurlbut
33. One place that I go over and over? school
34. One person who emails me regularly? parents
35. Favorite place to eat? Cheesecake
So there it in 35 words. Copy and fill in if you dare.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Today, after visiting with family and contemplating love, it made me think of US! Us without babies, us without family, us without friends. Cody and I would not be if it wasn't for those things.
It is wonderful to know that I have someone that will love me no matter how angry I get or moody for that matter.
It was only fitting that I heard something really cool on KSBJ this morning. It said to read 1 Corinthians 13 and to replace the word Love with your own name and that is what you should strive for. I challenge all of you to do it.
"Kimberly is patient, Kimberly is kind. I am not jealous, I am not pompous, I am not inflated, I am not rude, I do not seek my own interests, I am not quick-tempered, I do not brood over injury, I do not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoice with the truth. I bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endures all things.
Kimberly never fails."
Just something to think about for tonight.

It was only fitting that I heard something really cool on KSBJ this morning. It said to read 1 Corinthians 13 and to replace the word Love with your own name and that is what you should strive for. I challenge all of you to do it.
"Kimberly is patient, Kimberly is kind. I am not jealous, I am not pompous, I am not inflated, I am not rude, I do not seek my own interests, I am not quick-tempered, I do not brood over injury, I do not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoice with the truth. I bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endures all things.
Kimberly never fails."
Just something to think about for tonight.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sunday October 11th - 5 months
Sunday morning we woke up in Boerne to rain, rain, and more rain. Since it was Wesley's 5 month birthday, we decided to get some pics.
Sometimes I wonder where he got his hair from...I mean his good looks?
We packed up and headed down the road to Hallettsville to see my Aunt Rose. She was enjoying her weekend of watching her grandkids that were down from Dallas.
At one point we were surrounded by kids and Cody had to be right in the middle of it all. We have always said that we wanted 5, and judging by the look on Cody's face, I think that he would love to be surrounded by babies.
This is the best picture of the little babies of the Brown family. Banner (in red) is 3, Lizzie (in purple) is 2, McCoy (in brown) is 1 and Wesley (in blue) is 5 months. It is hard to believe that we have 4 kids on this side of the family under the age of 4.

When we got home it was picture time. Afterall, Wesley had to have a 5 month picture. I have stolen this picture idea from a blog friend.
Wesley is 5 months old and has started to crawl a little. He gets on all fours and moves forward. He is eating cereal and vegetables. He smiles all day long. He can roll over and loves to put EVERYTHING in his mouth.
We packed up and headed down the road to Hallettsville to see my Aunt Rose. She was enjoying her weekend of watching her grandkids that were down from Dallas.
At one point we were surrounded by kids and Cody had to be right in the middle of it all. We have always said that we wanted 5, and judging by the look on Cody's face, I think that he would love to be surrounded by babies.
When we got home it was picture time. Afterall, Wesley had to have a 5 month picture. I have stolen this picture idea from a blog friend.
He has discovered the playroom at our house and loves to watch his sister play. He also loves to take a bath with his sister and splash around.
Boy how time flies!!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Key to the Hills
This was our 3rd year to make it to Boerne for the Key to the Hills car show where Cody's dad enters his '39 Chevy Coupe each year. It was a long weekend...we drove up friday after I got off of work and after Cody had spent his first day home with both kids! I don't know who was more worn out. We didn't get there till about 8pm. We ended up with an awesome hotel room due to a mistake by LaQuinta. The suite was perfect! Lizzie slept right between Cody and I and Wesley in his crib.
Saturday morning we woke up to cold weather, but it didn't stop us. It was off to the car show for us.
Cody's dad loves to get out with his friends and spending the weekend looking at all of the cars.
Saturday morning we woke up to cold weather, but it didn't stop us. It was off to the car show for us.

Friday, October 9, 2009
I did it!!!! I did it!!!!!!
Sunday was reward day at our house. Lizzie is getting the hang of going in the potty. I had told her if she did it so many times that I would take her to Build a Bear. She didn't even know what that was. I have just always wanted to take her. He loves the 3 at home that she already has, so why not let her make her own?
She had to pick out the $20 Unicorn. Couldn't get the $12 bear. How does she know to do that already? She was a little shy at first, but that didn't last long.

I did take her in the middle of her nap so this is what she looked like walking through the mall. Good thing for bloomers!

She has gone on the potty at least once a day for the past week now, and up to 3 times a day. We are very excited when she tells us that she has to go. We take her to her potty and then we have to give her some 'privacy' and we go back to what we were doing.
I did take her in the middle of her nap so this is what she looked like walking through the mall. Good thing for bloomers!
She has gone on the potty at least once a day for the past week now, and up to 3 times a day. We are very excited when she tells us that she has to go. We take her to her potty and then we have to give her some 'privacy' and we go back to what we were doing.
In minutes she will run out yelling...."I did it!!! I did it!!!!" It is the best to see her so happy about it.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
First Haircut
We took Lizzie to get her first haricut this weekend and boy did she have fun.
They stuck her in a firetruck of all things...and as she watched Tom and Jerry (her favorite) she got her hair cut. She did soooooo good and was still as could be.
My parents have gotten back into their old ways. See, when we moved to Magnolia in '93 (It might have been '92) my parents were all about having animals. It started with chickens and then there were many calfs that came and went like 't-bone' and 'rump roast'. I think that one was even named 'rib-eye'.
As if it wasn't enough to get new animals this past week...they also got a new four wheeler. Boy did that bring back memories. Cody had to come to their house one day after work so that he could be the one to take Lizzie for her first ride. We knew that we only had limited time before dad would have her on it. She would make a good country girl.

Well, time went on and finally there were no more farm animals...until this week. Nine chickens and 1 rooster and Lizzie calls them all 'bock bocks.'
Mom was so happy when she got her first egg. I am sure that she will get sick of that in time.

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