I can't tell you how often I hear the question "how do you do it all?" Well, this is how...
7am Lizzie gets up and we have to put on her lotion and medicine (she has skin issues)
7:30am I get Wesley up and we all eat
8am Maddie gets up and eats
After everyone is fed we play until...
9:15am Maddie goes down for a nap while Liz, Wes and I play or do laundry or dishes...
11:30am Maddie gets up and eats
12:00pm Liz, Wes and I eat
we all play and watch Ellen until...
1:00pm Maddie and Wesley go down for a nap and Liz and I go into the study
2:00pm Lizzie goes down for a nap
If I am lucky I have from 2pm until 3:30pm to myself, but it doesn't happen often.
3:30pm Maddie gets up and eats
When I am done feeding her it is officially my favorite time of day. I have made it a habit of having the kids go with me to wake up Madelyn from her naps and so I decided a few weeks ago that it was only fair that she get to wake up someone from their nap. Maddie and I go and get Wesley out of his crib and the two of them giggle at each other. Today we had to get our new friend out of the crib too. You should have seen me trying to set up the camera to take this.

In the last week Wesley has gotten very attached to the Mickey Mouse that he got from Santa last Christmas. He takes it to bed with him each night and to nap time as well.

This is him telling me that he is ready to go to bed.

We are excited that Wesley has a new friend. It is precious to see him with his buddy.

Two years ago Cody and I had just found out that we were pregnant with Wesley and we had a doctors appointment for the day before my birthday. After the appointment we went to have lunch with Lizzie at one of our favorite places. I ran across the picture today. It is so hard for me to believe that this was only two years ago. I can't believe that I am getting older, but 2 years ago this week, Liz was bald and still in a highchair. If I remember correctly she couldn't eat a freebird either. We had baby food for her. My how much she has grown up. She is my little princess and always will be.