Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Chicago...once again
So Cody is in Chicago again and he sent these pics to me this morning. I think that all of the snow makes him want to come home soon. I am sure that he misses us too. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010
8 Months old today....My little man
It is hard to believe that my little man is 8 months old today. He is growing so fast and is such a happy baby. He loves his big sister too.
Wesley has a hungry appetite, however, he doesn't really like his bottles. I think that he would rather eat real food. We are starting to venture out on some table foods like mashed potatos, green beans and beans. He doesn't seem to like refried beans though. He crawls all over the house and chases my moms dogs and Elizabeth. He will try to stand up at anything. He has even started to crawl or even slowly walk behind things. He is very strong. He holds onto his crib and won't let go sometimes.
He has started mocking people. If someone coughs...he will cough. If Lizzie laughs...he laughs and it is sooooo cute. They sometime laugh at each other the whole way home in the afternoon. He loves playing peek a boo with anyone that will play and he will even pull the blanket off of your head for you.
He is a jumper which I personally am having problems with. Wesley thinks that my growing belly is a trampoline. UGH! He also say Mama, Dada, and bubba. Lizzie is always calling him bubba (I do too) and he started saying it back to her the other day.
Lizzie loves being big sister and is full of new things herself. She loves to have 'craft time' when mommy goes to scrapbook. I give her some crayons and a coloring book and she is in heaven. She loves to play doctor with the new doctor kit that Santa brought her. She keeps us up to date on our check ups. Everyday she is checking our heart and to see if we have any 'febers'. Then we get a shot, but we don't cry because Lizzie doesn't cry when she gets a shot. :)
We are at mom and dads again this week while Cody is in Chicago. He said that it is very cold there. We can't wait to have him back to the daily chaos that we call family!!!!

Garner pics...as promised
Here are just a few of the pictures that we took while we were gone to Garner State Park. I am really glad that we went. It was nice to get away from all of the fireworks for the New Year. I am not a huge fan of them now that I am an adult and since they scare Lizzie it helped to be away.
Lizzie playing on the new playground that they built in the park.
We had to take this picture because we have one of Cody and Lizzie from her first camping trip. This is Wesley looking out of the back window of the camper.
Wesley just being Mr. happy. He really does have a smile on his face 90% of the time.
He loved trying to eat outside, but we were attacked by bees and had to go back into the camper to eat. I think that they may have been attracted to his baby food, or the yellow table cloth.
Lizzie loved walking around looking at the river and picking up sticks and rocks. I can't wait to take her back when it is warmer.

Cody enjoyed it just as much as Lizzie and Wesley did.

Cody enjoyed it just as much as Lizzie and Wesley did.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Garner day 2
Yesterday after I posted we went for a long walk down by the river where we took tons of pictures. When we returned it was time for lunch. We grilled hot dogs and tried to eat outside, but I think that the bees were attracted to Wesley's food. We grabbed everything and headed in. After that Wesley took a short nap and Cody and Lizzie went walking to check out the Pavilion.
When they came back we were booted out of our rv spot. We had gotten here so late on Wednesday that the offices were closed and we thought that we would just take our time going up there to pay for our stay. So....off to the ranger station we went. We payed for our night and got another night this time on the other side of the mountain in Shady Meadows. This is where the playground is. We took our showers (the bathrooms are actually heated in Oakmont, but not here is Shady Meadows) and made dinner.
We were in bed about 9pm. Little ones slept great again until some text messages on my phone woke up Wesley, but he went right back down. Cody and I were awake for the New Year, but right back to bed we went.
Now it is morning and we have breakfast behind us. We have many ideas of what to do today, but only time will tell.
When they came back we were booted out of our rv spot. We had gotten here so late on Wednesday that the offices were closed and we thought that we would just take our time going up there to pay for our stay. So....off to the ranger station we went. We payed for our night and got another night this time on the other side of the mountain in Shady Meadows. This is where the playground is. We took our showers (the bathrooms are actually heated in Oakmont, but not here is Shady Meadows) and made dinner.
We were in bed about 9pm. Little ones slept great again until some text messages on my phone woke up Wesley, but he went right back down. Cody and I were awake for the New Year, but right back to bed we went.
Now it is morning and we have breakfast behind us. We have many ideas of what to do today, but only time will tell.
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