Thursday, April 29, 2010
Washing the coupe
Last night Lizzie was using a rag on her coupe. When I asked her what she was doing she said "Mommy, I am washing my coupe." If you guys don't know, Cody washes our cars every weekend and keeps them in awesome condition. I guess that it has 'rubbed' off on her.
Wesley is so cute when he laughs that I had to share this photo.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Pictures for daddy
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Whistleing Dixie
When we are at my mothers house the kids find lots of fun in the kitchen cabinets. In fact I have taken anything and everything out of Wesley's hands just this week. He can open the cabinet locks, but only does it at moms. He doesn't play in ours. Which is fine by me. :)
Last night Lizzie got out some straws and started making her own music. Wesley thought that he would give it a try. It was the cutest thing ever. At first he tried and tried and just ended up humming and thinking that alone was funny. Before too long, he had it down and they were both whistleing away.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Outside is so much fun!!!
Each day last week after getting home we were able to spend some quality time in the back yard. Wesley has decided that he wants to slide down the slide. He also loves grass and going for walks in the wagon.
Lizzie is much at home in her sand box. I think that she would play there all day long if we would let her.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
11 months old
Sunday was Wesley's 11 month birthday. He is really growing into the cutest little man ever. He is momma's boy and is sooooo cute. He follows his big sister everywhere and life as we know it is bound to change before he turns one, because on Saturday he took a few steps. He is opening cabinets and likes to play in the dishes. Last week he got in moms tupperware cabinet and stood up to look around. I think that she got a picture, but I didn't.
He still only has four teeth, but I know that more are on the way. He has the most gorgeous blue eyes and it is so sad when he gets little crocodile tears. He loves to take wagon rides and has just experienced playing in the grass. He has turned into a pretty good passenger in the car because he watches what his sister is doing. She likes to sing to and from my moms house every morning and he just watches her.
He will eat anything in sight. He loves crackers and vienna sausage. He also loves his yogurt and cheerios. He puts his hand in his mouth when he gets sleepy and every now and then it is just the thumb.
He and Lizzie have started playing more. He loves to play with her kitchen and with her coupe (the little flintstone car). He also loves blocks and cars. I think that he might grow to love baseball because he also likes to hurl things across the room and plays with a toy bat.
We are having a hard time getting him to understand not to beat on the table at dinner. We are working on it constantly.
This past weekend we made a trip to Galveston with the entire Brown Family to celebrate my Aunt Rose's birthday. I took off on Friday and we made the trip down there on Thursday night. It is the longest drive that I have made by myself with the little ones and a teenager...I had my brother with me for entertainment.
On Friday we went to the Rainforest Cafe on the Seawall with my parents. It was a lot of fun. Lizzie hated the gorillas, but Wesley loved them.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
So...I am sorry that these pics are all out of order. This first one if actually from the Saturday before Easter. If you read the last post, we went to an Easter Egg hunt and this was what the ride home looked like.
I love our family pic from Easter morning, except the fact that I look like an Easter Egg.
This was what the Easter Bunny left us.
Here is Wesley in his basket. I did this with Lizzie her first Easter and was bound and determined to do the same with Wesley...problem...this was the only cute picture out of about 25 tries. He actually hated it. Doesn't look like it here.
The Easter Bunny left a trail of Easter Eggs from Lizzie's room to the baskets. It was cute seeing her walk around the corner with sleepy eyes and a hand full of eggs saying "Daddy, help." She didn't want to put them down even though they were empty.
Other Easter Prep
Saturday was a fun filled day and we took a lot of pics in our home. My little man is just adorable and I still feel like I don't get many pics of him since he loves to sleep so much. He goes down for bed at 8pm and sleeps until 8am. He then naps from 10-12 and again from 2-4:30. It seems like he is always asleep or of the two.
He is such a good eater now too. He is pretty much eating everything that we eat. His Aunt Jamie gave him a lemon at dinner the other night...and he liked that too. He turns his nose up at baby food.
Saturday evening we went to a huge Easter Egg Hunt at Ryan and Christine Lee's house. It is hard to believe that I have known them for over 10 years now and they have seen the many sides of me. Their two sons are a little older than my kids, but there were kids of all ages there so it didn't matter. Wesley hung out with mommy since he wasn't big enough to do much.
Lizzie got a basket full of eggs and was sooooooooo excited. She would pick them up and shake them and would get mad when someone had already taken the candy out. She would put the empty egg in her basket anyway.
She also played the drums a little bit. I just love this picture. One of my students told me that it looks like it should be on a magazine cover....Rolling Stones, maybe?
Oh yeah, the bunny cake wasn't enough for the weekend. I also took the opportunity Saturday morning to make Lizzie a bunny pancake. It was the easiest thing in the world, but she loved it. She loves blueberries and strawberries and she calls whip cream her 'tastey treat.' I thought that it would be easier to do this on Saturday since I knew we would be moving quickly on Sunday morning to make it to church.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Good Friday 2010
Good Friday was full of many activities for us this year. Cody came home late Thursday night and since we had not been home in what seemed like many weeks...there was a lot to do.
Lizzie and I finally finished the sandbox that we had started over Spring Break. She loves it, but wants to wear her garden gloves when she plays in the sand, which is just fine by me.
Lizzie has missed her dress up clothes since we have been at moms so much. She has on her princess skirt with her chef clothes over it. Is this Cinderella???? I missed the pic of her with her duck house shoes on too.
It was very windy at our house that day so we took the opportunity to get out the kite for a little bit. We really do have the perfect location to fly a kite. The wind comes across the street from the golf course and makes it to our house like no other.
Lizzie and I finally finished the sandbox that we had started over Spring Break. She loves it, but wants to wear her garden gloves when she plays in the sand, which is just fine by me.
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