Saturday, August 20, 2011

We are still here...

I know I have been really terrible about blogging so here it goes...
Since the last blog we have celebrated 3 birthdays. Wesley turned 2 in May, Madelyn turned 1 in July and today we celebrated Elizabeth's 4th birthday. She is growing up so fast. We had a princess party and made crowns and played dress up.

Even Madelyn got in on the festivities.

Lizzie dressed up like Rapunzel and even had the hair to go along with it.

Her cake was gorgeous and tasted good too!

Wesley tried to steal some cookies.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Uh oh...are you missing something?

Little miss Cinderella found a hat in our house today. Anyone know who this might belong to? Cinderella knows... We took this pic on saturday and I just love it. I bought one to frame. It was our first car show all together and we had fun.
This is what happens when I let Wesley out of my sight for a few minutes. Funny thing is that he couldn't get out of it on his own.
We have take off!!! She is very good at balancing.
She also loves to get up on one knee.
Madelyn did turn 9 months old last thursday.
Do you see the two peas in a pod?
This pic was taken a few weeks ago when we went to the Rodeo.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"G" is for Jesus

Sunday we got home from church and Cody and I sat down with Lizzie to talk about what she learned in Sunday School. We talked about all the things that are in the church (stained glass, cross...) then she ran off to read a book. With in minutes she was back at our side pointing to a letter "G" and saying "Look, G for Jesus." She was soooo proud of herself and Cody and I were trying to keep in the laughs. :) Then on Monday Madelyn celebrated her 7 month birthday. It is so hard to believe that she is 7 months old already. It really seems like yesterday. We celebrated by putting her on formula...well, not really celebrated. I am still a little disappointed that I had to switch over, but between running around after Wesley and not being able to 'sit' and nurse, I kinda just lost it. It was time and she got the best of me so it was time to move on. She has taken well to formula and I feel a little free! I had really hoped to nurse for a year...maybe with the next one.
Maddie loves her toys. She can stand up and play at her playcenter, but we have to put her there.

She is best friends with her daddy and we love how she scrunches up her nose when she smiles.

She tells you with her eyes when she is tired.

Wesley got to take his first ride in the '72 with daddy this past week. He loved it and loved spending some father son time with dad.

He also loves to spend time with his little sister. I think that they are trouble when they are together.

I love all of these kids. So hard to believe that they are all mine, but they are. :)

When Wesley isn't watching, Lizzie gets all of Maddie's attention. I really hope that they will always love each other this much, but I know that they will have their moments. I guess that I will enjoy the loving moments while they last and just start praying now for the teenage years.