There are moments in our week where Lizzie tries to go turn the radio on. She is a serious dancer. She wants to polka with her daddy and gets mad if I am in the way. When he picks her up to dance she pays attention to what he is doing. She does not let anything
interrupt her dancing with her daddy.

Yes, she does stick her tongue out as she dances around the room. All of her focus is on the beat (I know she is only a baby, but this baby knows what beat is).

When she is done, it is back to being silly as normal. There have been times when Cody has put her down and she has cried and even thrown a fit. She really loves to dance...not with me...only with her daddy.

Finally all the fun and excitement catches up to this little one and she is tired and worn out...for a little while any way. :) I hope that everyone is enjoying the pics. We have heard great things about our blog and hope that you like it as much as we do.

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