What is Spring Break without the Houston Rodeo?This is now Lizzie's second year to make an appearance and both years she loved the John Deere stuff best. This year as soon as she saw the tractors she wanted to ride. She would point saying 'vroom vroom' and then she thought that she had to get on every single one.

She rode her first pony this year, but wasn't too trilled. Maybe next year will be better. You could tell that she wasn't comfortable and the faces she made as they went around in circles were priceless.

We took her wagon and she rode around a lot that day, but there were times when we just had to let her go. The chicks were just her height. She walked up and down the exhibit looking in at all the baby chicks. I really think that we might have a true cow girl on our hands.

She is at that perfect age where she makes all of the animal sounds. She loved Elsie the cow and moo'd all day long.

In the petting zoo she wasn't too big on touching the animals, but she loved it regardless. She loved the ducks and the pigs the best. They wouldn't let her age feed the animals for obvious reasons, but she really liked being in there with all of them. We might have to talk her Granny and Paw Paw into getting her a pig or a cow to keep out at their house.
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