Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Is his glass half empty or half full???
Wesley is having a rough day today and by that...I mean that he isn't sleeping well. As odd as that is for him, he is still smiles all day. These pics were taken on a day when he didn't sleep well...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Make your mad face
Wesley was very upset this morning so I pulled out the camera to take a mad face picture and he is already smarter than the average bear. He saw that camera and stopped crying...
...and started smiling and cooing. Not nice. I just wanted one mad face picture. What a turd! :)
This morning I got up at 5am. Went running, did crunches, took a shower, did a load of laundry fed Wesley, woke up Lizzie, and changed 2 poopie diapers before this picture was taken at breakfast. Since I always have the camera...there are never pics of me. After the timer went off and took the picture Lizzie said "Awwwww cooooooool!" She didn't know that it would take a picture without me holding it.

Another weekend...another birthday party
I always talk about Lizzie being a big helper. Her new thing is helping set the table. She can get the silverware out of the drawer and puts it on the table for breakfast. She will say who they are for as she puts them out. It is precious. Now I need to teach her to do the dishes!
Wesley is an awesome sleeper. He likes to scoot all over the bed though. Here he is nestled into the corner during a nap. He is sleeping 2 and 1/2 hours between each feeding and then he sleeps from 10pm until 8am. I think that he would sleep from 8 to 8 if I didn't wake him for one last feeding. He is a much better eater and sleeper than Lizzie was. I am dreading going back to work this year like never before. He is momma's boy and I just love being home with my two babies. The plan is that I will stay home when we have 3. Maybe I will start trying sooner than later. :) p.s. Cody never reads this!
Our neighbor, Jayden, turned one this weekend and that meant fun for Lizzie. I took her over to a mouse infested house...Mickey Mouse! Lizzie loved playing with all of the toys and kids that were there.

In the news...
For those of you that don't know me well, I always have my camera readily available for the random stuff. So here is some of my random stuff from the last week...
Wesley is well over 2 foot long. I couldn't get him to stretch out because he hates being on his back. He is a tummy sleeper...I know, I know what the doctors say, but if he rolls over during his nap, he starts screaming! He hates to be on his back.
Lizzie has discovered her daddy's hard hat from when he built bonfire at A&M. Yes...look closely at it. She is wearing a hat that is giving the finger. Something from Cody's 'good 'ol days'.
This picture says it all. I don't know who is happier...Cody for having a little boy, or Wesley for having a daddy that sometimes acts like a little boy. I love you babe! :)
Cody got new work boots a few weeks ago which means Lizzie got something new to dress up with. Every time that we go in our room, she comes out with either his boots or my heels.
We have our boat at the house because Cody and I are taking it to Lake LBJ this weekend to celebrate our third anniversary and enjoy some good R & R. Lizzie thinks that it is here for her enjoyment. I wonder what she would do if she knew that it went in the water. We would really be in trouble then.

Friday, July 24, 2009
What a week
Here in the Riedel home we have been very busy seeing people and doing things this week. On Monday we went and had lunch with my friends from work. It was the four of us and my two kids. Our group is made up of four beautiful, intelligent and diverse women. When they told me to bring the kids I had to ask if they were sure. Let's just say that it has been a while since any of them have had kids of such a young age. :)
On Tuesday, I had a dentist appointment so I took the kids to moms and stayed late. I am trying to get Wesley used to being over there. I am having trouble getting him to sleep sometimes at their house and since he will be there everyday there is lots of problem solving to be done.
Wednesday was a lazy day playing catch up and then Thursday happened. I woke up in pain...I called the doctor and found out that I have mastitis, which if any of you know is very painful. I immediately picked up a prescription, but had it not been for Jacqui, I would not have survived the day. I was having trouble nursing Wesley, but the fact that it hurt to hold him was what she helped with. She burped him and played with him all day so that I wasn't in so much pain.
Wesley is very alert this week and has found his hands. He is very funny. He loves his puppy dog toy and his swing. I love watching him at this age.

I love watching my little Lizzie too. She is a great helper. Every time that she can help...she does. She goes and gets blankets, outfits and toys to bring to me for Wesley and she loves to throw away trash (even the dirty diapers). She is growing so fast. In less than a month she will be 2 years old and it is hard to believe. I think that I might cry that day just thinking about how fast she is growing.
On Tuesday, I had a dentist appointment so I took the kids to moms and stayed late. I am trying to get Wesley used to being over there. I am having trouble getting him to sleep sometimes at their house and since he will be there everyday there is lots of problem solving to be done.
Wednesday was a lazy day playing catch up and then Thursday happened. I woke up in pain...I called the doctor and found out that I have mastitis, which if any of you know is very painful. I immediately picked up a prescription, but had it not been for Jacqui, I would not have survived the day. I was having trouble nursing Wesley, but the fact that it hurt to hold him was what she helped with. She burped him and played with him all day so that I wasn't in so much pain.

I love watching my little Lizzie too. She is a great helper. Every time that she can help...she does. She goes and gets blankets, outfits and toys to bring to me for Wesley and she loves to throw away trash (even the dirty diapers). She is growing so fast. In less than a month she will be 2 years old and it is hard to believe. I think that I might cry that day just thinking about how fast she is growing.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Big Sister
Many people ask how Lizzie likes being an older sister. Well, let me just say that I feel blessed that she has taken it so well. I really think that she loves it. She is such a helper and such a good 'little mommy'. She is always loving on him and seems to know what 'be gentle' means. She plays with him and so far has not hurt him in any way. I am sure that there will be a day when she sits on him or throws something at him...but so far, so good.
Every chance that she gets she wants to hold him. On a daily basis I try to let her sit with him or lay with him so that they can bond! She is all smiles and she has even learned that when she talks to him that he smiles at her. They are truely cute together.

Lizzie now carries a baby doll around with her everywhere. Sometimes it is Abby and sometimes Pooh, or even Barbie. She puts them in strollers, highchairs, swings and even in their baby beds. It is precious to watch her mimic what I do with Wesley. She has even started nursing her baby dolls which is the funniest thing ever. First she started by just laying the dolls in her lap, but it only took a few days before she was raising up her shirt! Haha.

I really think that Lizzie loves having a little brother. We will see what she thinks of him in a few months when he is chasing her around.
Terrible twos......
It is really hard to believe that my little girl will be 2 in a few weeks...5 to be exact. It just hit me last weekend as we celebrated baby Cayden's 2nd birthday. For those of you that do not know, my best friend Melissa has a little boy, Cayden, that is six weeks older than Lizzie. We made jokes about them getting married when they are older and then wouldn't you know...it happened again. Mckinley, Melissa's daughter, is six weeks older than Wesley. Not planned out that way either time, but Cody and I have now decided to tell people that we are 'keeping up with the Wheeler's' when it comes to kids.
Monday, July 13, 2009
2 months old
Wesley is officially 9 weeks old today and we had his two month appointment last thursday. I really hate the early dr's appointments because I cry when they give my babies shots. Lizzie sure did want to see all of the action though.
Wesley is 11 pounds and 5.5 ounces. He is 22 and a half inches long. In comparison to other babies his age, he is a little guy and that is just fine with us. :)
He is great...I on the other hand have been told to lay off of the caffiene, all spices, anything made with vinegar, and dairy...what do I eat?
I am up for any suggestions. We are trying to help baby Wesley get rid of his acid reflux and this is just the beginning of the list of things that I cannot have for the next month. Anyone who knows me know that I like food too much. I am thinking that since he is medicated that it might be ok for me to have just some of those things...
Wesley is 11 pounds and 5.5 ounces. He is 22 and a half inches long. In comparison to other babies his age, he is a little guy and that is just fine with us. :)
He is great...I on the other hand have been told to lay off of the caffiene, all spices, anything made with vinegar, and dairy...what do I eat?
I am up for any suggestions. We are trying to help baby Wesley get rid of his acid reflux and this is just the beginning of the list of things that I cannot have for the next month. Anyone who knows me know that I like food too much. I am thinking that since he is medicated that it might be ok for me to have just some of those things...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
The world's newest Catholic
On Saturday, July 4th we were so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends to watch our little Wesley Paul receive the sacrament of Baptism. He did a really good job and is now the newest Catholic that I know.
His Godparents drove 5 hours to be with us this weekend and had to endure the Riedel household and all that it had to offer. Guero and Saby will be great Godparents to little Wesley.

The best part of the Baptism is that it was celebrated with the priest that Cody and I feel has had a huge hand in bringing Cody and I closer to God and closer to each other. Father Edmund Eduarte has been a dear friend of ours for 6 years now. We met him down town at Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral and have tried to stay in touch with him as he moves every 2 years or so...first to Magnolia, then Humble and just this week to Freeport.
July 4th for us was a special day in our sons life and we ask for prayers for our little Wesley (and Lizzie too) as they embark on their lives as Catholics. More importantly we ask for prayers for Cody and I as we raise these two beautiful children and for their Godparents Courtney Schuirring, Andrew Brown Jr., Alfredo (Guero) and Sabina Garcia that they can be the best Godparents that they can be.
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