Friday, July 24, 2009

What a week

Here in the Riedel home we have been very busy seeing people and doing things this week. On Monday we went and had lunch with my friends from work. It was the four of us and my two kids. Our group is made up of four beautiful, intelligent and diverse women. When they told me to bring the kids I had to ask if they were sure. Let's just say that it has been a while since any of them have had kids of such a young age. :)
On Tuesday, I had a dentist appointment so I took the kids to moms and stayed late. I am trying to get Wesley used to being over there. I am having trouble getting him to sleep sometimes at their house and since he will be there everyday there is lots of problem solving to be done.
Wednesday was a lazy day playing catch up and then Thursday happened. I woke up in pain...I called the doctor and found out that I have mastitis, which if any of you know is very painful. I immediately picked up a prescription, but had it not been for Jacqui, I would not have survived the day. I was having trouble nursing Wesley, but the fact that it hurt to hold him was what she helped with. She burped him and played with him all day so that I wasn't in so much pain. Wesley is very alert this week and has found his hands. He is very funny. He loves his puppy dog toy and his swing. I love watching him at this age.

I love watching my little Lizzie too. She is a great helper. Every time that she can help...she does. She goes and gets blankets, outfits and toys to bring to me for Wesley and she loves to throw away trash (even the dirty diapers). She is growing so fast. In less than a month she will be 2 years old and it is hard to believe. I think that I might cry that day just thinking about how fast she is growing.

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