I know that I haven't posted in awhile, but there has been a lot going on in the Riedel home. This week has been amazing being able to stay home with my little ones and watch all of the new things that Wesley has taken on this week. It has made my decision to stay home next year all that more worth it. I love my job and will miss it dearly, but being a mommy of three...I am sure that I will have my hands full. I am sure that it will actually be harder staying home than teaching 150 teenagers each day!

This week Wesley has eaten french fries and learned to clap. His 4th tooth came through today (he has 2 on top and now 2 on the bottom) and he walked from the chair to the ottoman (about 2 steps) today. This afternoon he tried again from a toy to the window. It won't be long.... I am in trouble!

He loves to walk and sometimes crawl behind some of his toys. He pushes his dump truck all over the house.

I also took the kids to see the Easter bunny yesterday. Wesley smiled very big for the picture, but Lizzie was trying to escape. She was fine as long as she wasn't on his lap. That was what ruined it. Oh well...memories.

It was so pretty over the weekend and on Monday that I had to get a few pics of Liz outside. She is so cute on her 'playground.'
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