We did it. With 4 weeks left of pregnancy, we jumped in the car and headed camping at Garner State Park even though we thought we wouldn't make it this year with the baby due so soon. The dr. gave his approval and told me to have fun and relax. We scheduled a c-section for July 7th before I left on vacation, but he said that once I return we might need to move that date up if I had continued to progress more quickly this time around. Lizzie and Wesley had neiter one dropped at 36 weeks, but this one has... I have an appointment on Wednesday to check and see if there are any changes.

We had to take some of the traditional family pics. The ones that I love except when I am this huge!!!!!

Lizzie and Wesley had their first dance at the Pavilion this year. They did show off a little, but I loved it because they looked so cute. I think that it was the first time that we have gotten Wesley to hold Lizzies hands and look like he is dancing with her. He kept trying to go out with the other kids and Lizzie did as well. They were content dancing with each other for a few minutes and then they would try to wander off into the crowd.

Our mornings in the pop up were a lot of fun. Wesley would wake up first and then I would put him in bed with Lizzie and Cody and I. He would then make sure to give each person a slobbery kiss over and over again. It was the best way to wake up the family.

Our trip was a great one. We all came back in one peace and Lizzie wanted to go back as soon as we left. We were very thankful to have Aunt Jenn there for us each morning cooking breakfast and helping us to get together. :)
Until next year....we miss you Garner State Park!!!!
1 comment:
I miss hearing "Uh OOHHH" and "Heee-elp". I also miss no humidity, but not sweating to death while going to the bathroom is kinda nice.
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