Well, much has happened the last couple of days around this house and we are all trying to get used to the many changes. I think that Cody and I feel like pros in that we done this before, but poor Lizzie is having to learn how to be a big sister and sometimes she is awesome at it, and other times...
She wants to be a part of everything that goes on. If Wes is in the swing then she is right next to him. As soon as I take him out, she has a baby doll in his place. If she sees me go to sit down with him to breastfeed, she cries. If he takes a bath, she wants to watch.

So far bath time has been very eventful. Just last night Wes peed twice while in the tub and wouldn't you know that we had already cleaned him. So we reclean and as I take him out of the tub...he poop'd everywhere...in the bath, on the towel and even on the floor and of course it wouldn't be complete before it got all over Cody and myself. UGH! So...we started all over...again! This is why I am scared of boys. Lizzie never did all of that in the bath tub. This is God's way of preparing me for all of the cleaning up that I will have to do after Wesley, I guess.

Wesley had his 2nd dr's appt. today. He is 6 lbs. and 15 oz. Almost 7 lbs. I was excited to see that he is gaining weight so quickly since it was a concern of ours and the dr's with Lizzie when she was born. I know, I know...each kid is different.

Lizzie is so funny when her little Wesley cries. She doesn't know what to do. I am trying to teach her to tell him 'it is ok' She always wants to be close to him and does not want anyone else to be close to him. Day before yesterday we were visiting with my aunt Janie and she asked Lizzie if she could take Wesley home with her. Lizzie was not happy about that at all!!! She said "NO!"
Then yesterday we had some appraisers at the house looking around for our refinance. Anytime that they got close to Wesley, Lizzie would go stand between him and the two women. She did not want them anywhere near him. All the things going on around here are very precious.
Thank you to everyone for their prayers and help. We appreciate it all. We are continuing to be blessed each day with the people that surround us!
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