Wesley is officially 3 months old this week. He is 13 pounds and is getting so big. I took him in this morning to have him weighed, but did not get his length. I just know that he is well over 24 inches.

He is loads of fun right now which is making it that much harder to go back to work. He is a wiggle worm and is moving around like you wouldn't believe. These pics were taken within seconds of each other. He went from laying the opposite direction of me to facing me in seconds while drooling, of course.

He has very big blue eyes and long eyelashes like his daddy. His favorite things right now include grabbing at everything that he isn't supposed to...mommy's hair, mommy's shirt, mommy's earrings...etc. He loves to sleep on his belly and every now and then he gets mad and flips over. When he does, he screams. I have to go in his room and see him laying on his back squirming like a little roach! It is really the cutest thing.

He is currently nursing 5 times a day and sleeps like a pro. I put him down at 7:30pm and he sleeps till 9:30pm when I wake him for one last feeding. As soon as we are done, he is asleep until 8:15am for the day. He takes a two hour nap before each feeding.

Lizzie is a whole nother story. She is just days away from being 2 and letting us know it. She has started testing the waters and I thought that only 8th graders did that. She just recently began cutting her molars which has just added to the drama of a 2 year old! :)
She likes to do everything like a 'big' girl. She took a bath at my moms the other night and had to be wrapped in a towel when she was done. Thankfully a hand towel fits perfect!

And for a parting picture, this is how I found her at nap time yesterday. She does have a bed, but who needs that when you have a comfy corner with pillows and stuffed animals.
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