On Saturday we took the boat out twice. It was nice to be able to come and go from the lake as we wanted. The boat was already in the water and we were so close to it that there was nothing to worry about. The first time that we went out we dreamed about owning every single house on that lake. There were some awesome places and some way bigger than any family would ever need. There were also a lot of homes for sell on the lake. I guess with this economy the lake house is the first to go in hard times.

After our morning voyage we ate lunch and went to look at the lake from the scenic overlook. For some reason my camera was acting up and it looks ugly out. It wasn't as bad as it looks.

We headed to church with a very memorable opening to the homily. One that Cody and I will forever remember. Then it was back to the lake. We went out for a while and on our way back my young at heart husband had the urge to jump off of the train tracks like all of the 'kids' were doing. I had to remind him of his age just in case he forgot. It only took one jump and then it was out of his system and we were back in the boat.

...but...it wouldn't start. Luckily we were very close to our condo and Cody began to paddle us in. We knew that we had some bad gas in it and it would be an easy fix.

Cody got tired of paddling and decided to swim behind it so that he could look at the fuel filter at the same time...all with a smile.
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