Sunday morning we got up and slowly got packed up to come home. We were both missing our babies and wanted to see them. We made it to Austin and stopped for a bathroom break. It was then that we realized that we had gone in and checked out of our condo and forgot to give them the keys to our room. UGH! Here we are 2 hours away and we were not going to turn back. I called Pat Ball (the owner) and asked if we could mail them back.

In Bastop we stopped at the Roadhouse for some very good food. This place was very small and very busy. We ate on the front porch in the hot weather. It really wasn't that bad.

We made it to my parents and picked up the kids. We immediately went into mommy mode and daddy mode. We ate dinner quickly and loaded up the kids to come home. One the way home my ac broke on the Yukon (must be fixed before school starts). I guess that it was its way of telling me that it was mad that I didn't drive it all weekend and had left it at my parents house.
When we got home we unpacked and soon Lizzie was telling me that she needed to go potty. Mom worked with her all weekend and put big girl panties on her to begin the training process. she is at home in a diaper telling me that she has to go. What do I do? Drop EVERYTHING and take her to the potty. We were so proud of her as she went poo poo in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny how excited you are when this happens. Cody and I clapped and praised her with candy (poo poo candy) and stickers. We started a potty chart for her to watch her progress.
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