Lizzie and Wesley are both growing so fast. I cannot believe that the summer is almost over. I feel so blessed to have been able to have so much time home with Wesley (and Lizzie), but don't want it to end.

Today we started dog sitting my brothers dog, Roxy. Lizzie runs after her yelling her name. She is a real sport to stay in this household. She let Lizzie put head bands on her today and blankets too. She sits when Lizzie tells her too and follows me around when I have the baby.

Wesley is sitting up in his Bumbo. I just have to put the thing up after every time that he sits in it because Lizzie wants in it. UGH!! She wants everything that he has and wants to play on all of his toys. It is funny sometimes to watch her throw a fit over something that has not interested her in a year or more.

Well, we are on day 7 of no diapers! Lizzie is getting better about telling us when she has to go, but there are still accidents. This is what happens in the Riedel home when there is an accident. She actually loves to push this thing around the house and got mad when I took it away from her. I did have to go back to using a towel because I think that she was having too much fun with the swifter sweeper. I just save that for nap time.

I know that I was away for the weekend, but my daughter has picked up something that I really have no idea where it came from. She duck walks! Where on earth did she learn that at? If you know...please tell me.
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