Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big Riedel News

The cat is out of the bag. Lizzie is looking for her new sibling. We are 11weeks pregnant and very excited about having two little ones in the house. Cody and I had an ultrasound today and the little one was kicking around like crazy. We are due in the middle of May and as you can see Lizzie is all smiles about it.
Cody and I have actually known for about 6 weeks now. We were trying, and had taken several negative pregnancy tests and then during IKE we got a positive one. We went to the dr. the next week, but had no idea how far along we were so we wanted to wait to announce it until we had all of the details.
We told our parents when we found out, but some other people have found out that see me every day because I am already showing. I have grown out of all of my pants and yet the dr. told me today that I have lost weight. I can't see how.

Lizzie is growing so fast. She tried to eat jello for the first time last night and Cody and I could do nothing but laugh. She wants to eat everything by her self and pick it up with a fork. She was not having much luck with a fork and jello. It was very cute.

Sorry to all of you that knew that we were trying to get pregnant and yet we kept telling you no we were not. Like I said...we just wanted to get all of the information and make sure that everything was ok before we starting telling the world, but now we are ready to do just that!!!
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to have pumpkin pics soon. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bubbles Bubbles, pop, pop, pop!!!!!

Tonight was a normal night in the Riedel family. Lizzie and I got home a little later than normal because the weather was bad and I didn't feel like driving in it. When we got home I fed little Lizzie and then it was off to the bath we went.Her newest thing is to eat the bubbles. It is by far the funniest thing that Cody and I have seen her do. We only put bubbles in the tub once a week, but how do you keep them from eating the bubbles when it is so darn cute? She puts the bubbles in her cup and puts it up to her face till they will stick.
She will cover her face with them and try to eat them. She completely forgets that we are taking a bath. She has also recently began to stand on one foot so that I can wash the bottom of her feet.
We think that she might know that Christmas is around the corner and is practicing to look like Santa because the bubbles only seem to make it on her chin and chest like a beard.
This is the 'Oh no, I have been caught' face that happened when her daddy came in to check on us.
We are so proud of our little one and she seems to be learning so fast. She just got a Sesame Street book from our neighbor about bubbles and she says the phrase 'bubbles, bubbles, pop, pop, pop'. Her granny said that this week she hasn't stopped talking. She is really trying to repeat anything that comes out of our mouths. Have a good night and I hope that it doesn't rain too much more. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend at 'Boerne'

Well, this past weekend we visited Boerne for The Key To The Hills car show where Milton (Lizzie's Grandpaw) had entered his '39 Chevy Coupe into the show. The last time that Cody and I went was before we were engaged. Lizzie had a rough first night in the hotel room, but it worked out in the long run.
Lizzie loved to hear all of the loud cars start up and everyone thought that she was so cute in her wagon. She rode around like a pro.
There were close to 400 cars there and it is neat to get to see some of the car show crew and their rides. We enjoy their company and many stories.
Lizzie got some new shoes while in Boerne. See...all the women go to the Boerne show to shop and Lizzie had fun with that part too. So while she wasn't looking at cars with dad and Grandpaw, she was shopping with mom and Grammie.
I think that this was Lizzie's first time in Grandpaw's '39. I am sure that there will be many more times. Who knows, maybe in 16 years he will let her drive it!
Overall we had a great time but we are very glad to be home!

Friday, October 10, 2008

1st Blog

Well I wanted to start this so that all of our friends can keep in touch with us. Feel free to bookmark us and check in often. I hope to put pictures of our growing family and keep up with what is going on.