Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a big sister!

Thought that I would share some quick pics of the kids from this afternoon. Lizzie has to hold him at least once a day! She did just wake up from her nap and she had the worst bed head ever. Oh well.

Monday, June 29, 2009

If all else fails...improvise

It is days like today that I really love Cody's new job. He gets off at 3:30 most days which puts him at home to occupy Lizzie after her nap. Well, today he wanted to take her to the pool. She was sooooo excited and quickly put on her soup (suit) and got in the truck with dad to go to the pool. Not 2 minutes after they left...I heard them come back! The pool is closed on Mondays!!!
Poor Lizzie. :( As you can see, dad had other plans. On the sprinklers went. I think that Lizzie actually had more fun running around the back yard than she would have in the pool.

Cody was able to do yard work while Lizzie walked in each and every sprinkler. She even had a water slide, but after one very slippery slide down her swing set she didn't want to do that again. I guess that it reminded her of the water slide at the birthday party that we had just attended.

Wesley was actually sleeping while we were outside playing, but I thought that I might get in trouble by some of you if I didn't include a picture. He is all smiles lately and very alert. He is sleeping about 6 hours at night and sleeps 2 hours between each feeding...he likes to sleep.
He is seven weeks old today which means that we will have a 2 month old doctors appt next week. I cannot wait to see how much he weighs. His little arms and thighs are getting a little chunky.

Brandon turns 5!!!!

It is hard to believe, but my little cousins son turned 5 this past weekend and as tradition would have it...they had an awesome water slide at their party, once again. Last year all we could get Lizzie to do was sit in the little catch pool at the bottom. This year, Cody actually got her to go down the slide.
After two times, she had enough. She felt much more comfortable in the little baby pool. I thought that it was cute how no one else could fit in the pool with the two of them. There were chairs everywhere...he didn't have to get in. I think that Cody having kids is an excuse for him to act like one. :)

I hope that everyone else is dealing with this heat by having water slides at their house. Afterall, you have to get out of the house at least once a day and if you get to do it in your swim suit...it makes life a little easier!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pack it all into one day...

We are really bad about doing things all in the same day. We can go days with nothing planned and then plan 10 things to do in one day. It is crazy, but sometimes worth it.
Yesterday, Jacqui came over and watched Wesley so that I could take Lizzie to the splashpad. I haven't done to much with just her since the baby was born. I put on that dreaded swim suit...there should be a law that says no swimsuits for at least 3 months after having a baby...and we drove across the neighborhood to the splashpad. We went early before it got too hot and we were only there for about 45 min. but we had fun.

When Cody got home and both babies awoke from their naps...it was off to the Astros game. It was Wesley's first trip to the ball game and Lizzie's second. Lizzie loved it. She clapped and danced and looked around at everything that she could. She was constantly pointing at things and saying things...we didn't understand half of it.

Wesley was a pro. He slept for half of it and then was wide awake for the second half. They were both exhausted when we got in the car.

Before the game we made another memorable moment...we took Wesley to Freebirds for the first time. Since we are aggies we felt that it was well worth a picture.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

And it begins...

I was all excited this morning to take some cute pics of Wesley for the birth announcements that I have my cousin working on. I had been wanting to take some in his dump truck that his Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jacqui got him and today was the day. Lizzie was watching her tv in the playroom and that just so happen to be where the dump truck was. Wesley and I wandered in to take some pics. Lizzie did not know what to think about this. She really thinks that this dump truck is hers. At first she thought that it was funny and gave him a kiss. Then she started trying to pick him up. Next she tried to get in every picture that I took and then wanted to take the pictures.
By this time she had had it. She walked right up to that dump truck and pulled up the bucket so that she could DUMP him out right onto his head. Thankfully I caught him and grabbed her. We then had to talk about how that was Wesley's dump truck and not hers. She still doesn't agree. Looks like Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jacqui will have to buy another one!!!!!

Chick Fil A

On Tuesday we made a trip to Chick Fil A for lunch with our neighbor. It is my favorite fast food place, and I don't really even consider it to be fast food. Once again they impressed me beyond belief. I don't know if they are all like this was or if I just have a really special Chick Fil A... We walked in...I had Wesley in his carrier and my neighbor, Janice, was holding Lizzie's hand. We were practically met at the door with a highchair for her. We ordered our food and they carried it to the table and set all of our food out for us. They then proceeded to put a place mat (the ones that stick on the table for toddlers) down in front of Lizzie and help her put her bib on.
I was so impressed that I might actually go there once a week for lunch by myself with the babies! They even brought Lizzie an ice cream (she asked for one and we didn't buy it, but the lady brought her one anyway). We sat there for what seemed to be an hour so that Lizzie could finish that ice cream cone. Chick Fil A just exceeded all other places in my book! :)
Janice and I then noticed just how many moms were in there with their little ones. It was amazing. People with 4 kids under the age of 5 all coming in and being greeted with the same great hospitality.

Lizzie in the Garden

It was either Saturday or Sunday...I get my days all mixed up now, that we (me and the kids) went out to see my parents. My dad hadn't seen Wesley in a few weeks and Cody was going to the river so we just thought that we would drop in. They have 3 and 1/2 acres and Lizzie loves to ride the tractor with her Paw Paw or go pick fruits and veggies in their garden. I wonder why...my dad has spoiled her beyond belief. I think that it is because it has now been over 10 years since he has had a 'princess' in the house (I moved out right after high school). He gives that girl what ever she wants, so the strawberries never made it in the house! Instead they went right into Lizzie's mouth.

I think that this is the first year that mom and dad have had a garden in years, and they made up a great one this year. It is really doing well and we are benifiting from them having it so I won't complain.

After all of this fun and excitement she had to go take a shower and within minutes was back outside getting all dusty mowing the grass with her Paw Paw. UGH!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do I laugh or do I cry?????

One day this week I heard Lizzie awake from her nap. I walk down the hallway to see the following site. She had thrown several hanging baskets out of her room. I knew that something was up since we have her closet door locked. I took the opportunity to grab the camera. She was smiling which made me fear what I was about to see.And I was right. She had cleaned out her closet...Spring cleaning all over her bedroom floor. Wow! She had pulled the sheets off of her bed, pulled everything off of her bedside table and was so proud of her rearranging. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry...so instead...I made her clean up. She had to pick up each piece and show me where it went. It made the rest of the day a very interesting one.

Wesley is growing so fast. This picture is over a week old, so I feel that he is twice this size already!
I will try to be better with the pictures. It all depends on if the kids cooperate or not!
Stay cool!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

One Month old

Today Wesley is officially one month old. He is eating well, sleeping well and adapting to life with a toddler well. I feel like he is growing so fast. I had to pull out pictures of Lizzie at one month old today so that I could compare them. They look identical!!!! It is really cute to see.

Yesterday I attempted to take both of the kids to Target. We made it, but just imagine me putting a toddler and an infant in and out of an extended cab pick up when someone parked right on top of me. Please promise me that the next time you go to park you take into consideration what kind of car you are parking next to. Since my back door opens opposite of the front door...it is not fun to open the front door, walk Lizzie, Wesley and myself as close to the truck as we can and then open the second door. UGH!!!!! Someone really needs to talk to Cody about a new car. I am very tempted to just go buy one myself with out telling him. He would find out eventually!!!

Lizzie still loves Wesley. She still wants to keep him around. She loves to lay on the floor on his blanket and have him lay on top of her. It is really the cutest thing ever. I will try to get them to do it tonight when Cody is home so that I can take some pics of it!

Until next time...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Do I deserve this?

I feel so blessed to have this new little man in my life and I feel more blessed each day. Today, for instance, has been a great one. I think that I almost have Wesley on his Babywise schedule that I also had Lizzie on. It makes it much easier to plan a day and to know what to expect and when. Right now...both are down for a nap!!!! Last week I had to go clean up my classroom for the year. It was very funny to see my little Lizzie sitting in the desk and acting like a big girl. She wrote on my board and actually kept herself very entertained while we were there. Of course her uncle Matthew was there to help keep her entertained and my mom was there to help as well.
But then...I question sometimes why I deserve this. You see, anyone that knows anything about me knows that I was never a 'girly girl' as our friend Guerro calls it. I was always a tom boy and doing things out doors, playing sports and getting sweaty. I don't know if I was ever out to impress the boys!!!!
With that said, how is it that I have a daughter that wants to wear makeup and play dressup?

I caught her this morning with my shoes. Not just any shoes...my highest heels and a pair that I wore in Courtney's wedding. I sat back and watched her put them on. Waiting to see if she could get it right. She even went and got a purse that our friend Karena had given her to carry around.

Me being the person that I am felt that this moment was boa worthy! She didn't like that too much. Thankfully, her attention was taken to something else and I was able to hide it all before we broke a baby ankle. How would I ever explain that to the doctor?

p.s. Grace H....she does own other shirts...this one has just recently become her favorite!

Lizzie and Emily

Lizzie got to celebrate last weekend with Emily Harper on her 2nd birthday. Emily is standing to the left about to blow out her candles and little Lizzie is waiting so patiently at the bottom of the picture thinking "oh wow. Look at that cake." We had a blast and it gave me ideas for Lizzie's b day since ya'll know how I like to host things. Lizzie did get cake all over her and this cake is the best cake that I have ever had. I think that Lizzie agrees.

Of course Wesley went to, but he slept through it all which is hard to believe since we were in a room full of inflatables and kids playing...oh wait...did I say kids...Cody and John (Emily's dad) were the ones playing! We had a lot of fun and I hope that baby Emily enjoyed her birthday.
One of our last days with Cody home from work we had to take Wesley for his historic first visit to Double Dave's for lunch. We have pictures of Lizzie's first visit so we had to do the same for Wesley. He enjoyed it...ok, yet again, he slept through the whole thing.
What do you expect?

We invited Grace and Emily with us for lunch that day knowing that since Grace was also an Aggie that she had to love Double Dave's. The girls were really cute together.
Hopefully, we will be able to get together more often so that these two can be friends.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A big week for us

Cody went back to work this week after four and a half months and I got to stay home with two babies for the first time by myself. I was terrified for Monday to come and just kept telling myself that many women have done this before me. I kept reminding myself of all the horror stories that I had heard from people and finally decided to focus on the fact that they and their children survived it or else I wouldn't know the stories...
Monday was supposed to be our first day alone, but I was saved by my brothers girlfriend. She came over and spent the day with us and help out so much. Just taking Lizzie outside for these pics was ample help! I was able to get a nap and relax a little and even got to write down another name of someone that got showered with love from Wesley during a diaper change...sorry Jacqui!

As you can tell, Lizzie is still on cloud nine with her little brother. She tries to pick him up, and says 'it's ok' to him when he cries. It is precious.

Officially today was our first day alone and it was good. We all lived. There were times where one was crying for her baby doll and the other crying for food...and we lived. :)
There will be many more days of this for years to come, I am sure.
Lizzie did hit Wesley in the head with a toy today...I haven't told her daddy yet. Maybe I will wait till he reads the blog!
By the way, his job is good. It is full of paperwork and training videos right now. He came home with a company laptop today and should get his company car tomorrow. Sometimes the perks help out a lot!
Till next time...who knows when that will be.